Special Education High School Transition Services
February 6, 2025 - Understanding State Services presented by Mr. Roger Askins, Transition Coordinator for Millburn High School. This Zoom presentation will provide an overview of what programs are offered, eligibility of services, and how young adults transition from children's services to adult services when they turn 21. You can register by emailing roger.askins@millburn.org or by clicking this link: https://planningforadultlife.org/. Click on the button below to open the flyer with more details.
MUJC Transition Fairs
For families that may need additional support after high school, please reference the attached flyer for a Spring transition fair at Morris Union Jointure Commission. For more information or questions regarding the event, please contact Roger Askins, Transition Coordinator for Millburn.
Division of Developmental Disabilities Webinars